About Me

Hi I’m Gareth Elms from Manchester in the UK.

I’ve been a software developer since 1996. Since 2002 I’ve primarily been a web developer starting with financial systems for local authorities before moving onto www.oilandgasjobsearch.com, an award winning Stockport company which is a joy to be a part of.

I also do research and development in my spare time.

I love learning new technologies but I'm also wary of fads and try to pick the right tool for the job.

Recently I've been working on :

  • ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core
  • SQL and PostgreSQL
  • JavaScript eg; ES5, ES6, Backbone.js, Mithril, Webpack, React etc.
  • A bit of node.js
  • Game development and human centred design
  • Native iOS development (my game)
  • Writing simpler, better code
  • Product management
  • Maintaining and enhancing a successful large website
  • Working on an Electron app
  • Agile

Check out my GitHub page and follow me on Twitter